Unfortunately, yesterday the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) issued a public notice delaying the effective date of the MCIT final rule for 60 days and opening a new 30-day comment period.
The delay notice is available here.
For reference, the original MCIT rule can be found here.
What is the MCIT?
The Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technologies rule (MCIT):
…establishes a Medicare coverage pathway to provide Medicare beneficiaries nationwide with faster access to new, innovative medical devices designated as breakthrough by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…
From the MCIT Rule
Put simply, the MCIT would allow for seniors to receive Medicare coverage for FDA designated "breakthrough devices". (For more information about the FDA's Breakthrough Device Program, see our blog post series on this topic).
What can be done?
This 60 day delay can be used to make an even stronger case for implementing the MCIT for our nation's seniors. To help, you can:
- Leave a comment on the Federal Register here. (Follow the “Submit a comment” instructions, and don't forget to refer to file code CMS-3372-IFC.)
- Contact your congress-person to voice your support of MCIT (the MCIT has bipartisan support in congress).
- Make sure your industry colleagues are aware of the public comment period.